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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Still looking

I am still looking for a full time job. It is a lot tougher than I thought. I am out of the loop. I have learned the importance of networking that is for sure. It is hard to network when you have worked at the same company for a while and you spend your spare time with your litte ones.
These things tend to limit your opportunity to get out and meet new people.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More time for myself

I have completed the Marketing program at Bellevue University. Even though I have finished the program I sill have to take a few more classes to get my bachelors degree. I am glad that the pressures of completing all those assignments is over. With the little extra time I now have I can get back to persuing other interests.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I am looking for a new job that will help me with my Marketing career. I am putting myself out there. It has been awhile since I did this.I have worked with the same company for so many years it is like my second home. As we all know leaving home is one of the most scary things we do.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Looking good isn’t feeling good. Feeling good comes from within, its not superficial.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

If you love yourself then you will always have someone who loves you.
Get out of the mundane. Find a new beautiful color that accents the pallet that is only unique to you and you just might get noticed.